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Practical Health & Safety Support for Offices

It’s quite a common misconception that the health and safety in an office environment is less important than in more obviously high-risk workplaces such as construction sites or factories.

In reality, whilst the potential for harm might be greater in other workplaces, Health and Safety law applies to all organisations. So, whilst you might not immediately consider your office to be a dangerous place, you cannot neglect your responsibilities as an employer to keep your staff safe.  In fact just one serious incident could have a profoundly negative effect on the profitability of your business through fines imposed as well as other hidden costs of employee absence and reputational damage.

When looking at offices, in additional to business as usual risks, there are a number of specific situations that would warrant a review of your existing health and safety arrangements, these could include:

  • Change of premises – whether relocating to a new building, or refurbishing an existing one risk assessments, fire safety and DSE should all be reviewed.
  • New employees – it is important to ensure that all new employees fully understand the health and safety risks and how to avoid them as part of their induction training.
  • Changes to roles and work processes – with any change to roles and working practices there could be a change in associated risks so a review should be undertaken. Areas for consideration include home working, lone working policies, DSE.

Our experienced team of health and safety consultants can be commissioned to undertake a full audit of your health and safety systems and provide guidance and training as appropriate to ensure you have appropriate procedures in place and that staff are adequately trained.

Office Case Study

All Things Web® a digital marketing agency were looking for support around the legal health and safety responsibilities associated with taking on a dedicated office space.

Main areas for consideration include:

Fire Safety

It is a fact that most fires are preventable. Understanding the main areas of Fire Risk Assessment and regularly reviewing and testing procedures are imperative in an office environment. Find out more here.


DSE covers PCs, laptops, tablets and smartphones. While using DSE may appear to be a relatively harmless task, over time, a poorly-designed work station or bad work habits can result in serious long term health problems. Find out more here.

Stress Management

As part of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, employers must minimise the risk of stress-related illness. Recognising and managing your own stress as well as others is an important skill to have in the office. Find out more here.

How we can help support you

Health and Safety Audit

Our experienced team of health and safety consultants can be commissioned to undertake a full audit of your health and safety systems. Following this review, we will produce a tailored, comprehensive report which details where the gaps are in your Health and Safety.

Risk Assessments

Risk assessments of all activities, including those undertaken by employees, must be completed with an assessment of any activity which could affect the safety of people. The COVID-19 outbreak also possesses a risk to offices. 


We can provide your business with ongoing consultancy to ensure you have the proactive support needed to prevent health and safety failures. We will work closely with you to generate straightforward, practical solutions to ensure you’re complying with UK health and safety legislation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we have a full suite of training courses available, the majority of which can be completed online. From First Aid, to Fire Safety, DSE Assessments to Stress Management courses as well as wider courses on general health and safety and completion of Risk Assessments.

Click here to see our entire suite of courses.

By law, any business that employs five or more people must have a written Health and Safety Policy. But we would advise all businesses have one regardless of size.
Yes, we are currently providing a stand-alone service at a competitive fixed price to provide assistance with COVID-19 Risk Assessments to give added piece of mind that your business is putting the correct measures in place. This is particularly important when considering the risk of Legionella as water systems are turned off during periods of lockdown.

To find out more, speak to one of the team on 01666 503686 or read more here.

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What Our Clients Have to Say...

In an ever demanding market the necessary credentials are at the forefront of every large contractors mind. They need to know and prove that the people they have working for them are safe. It’s with the credentials secured with Sureteam that we can now move forward as a business.

Richard Bennett, Managing Director – Visionary Painting & Decorating Ltd

Sureteam are one of BAE Systems Naval Ships main SHE training providers with a team of dedicated well versed professionals who deliver the highest quality of SHE training required by the business. We have been working in partnership for a number of years and I am delighted to say that during this period Sureteam have been flexible in their approach and very supportive to our ever growing and changing business strategies. I am confident that this partnership will continue to develop and that we will remain working closely together to ensure that SHE  training evolves  through innovations and that this training is supporting the development and knowledge of our workforce at all levels.

Irene Bocutt – SHE Training Provide – BAE Systems Naval Ships Limited