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Banksy Takes Stab At French Authorities In Recent Piece

Banksy Takes Stab At Calias Refugee Camps In Recent Piece

Banksy’s newest piece appeared following reports that CS tear gas had been used on refugees to clear out the camps.



A new artwork byBanksy criticising the use of teargas in the “Jungle” refugee camp in Calais has appeared on the French embassy in London.

The artwork, which depicts a young girl from the film and musical Les Misérables with tears in her eyes as CS gas billows towards her, appeared overnight on Saturday.

In a first for the elusive graffiti artist, the artwork is interactive and includes a stencilled QR code beneath. If viewers hold their phone over the code, it links them to an online video of a police raid on the camps on 5 January.

The work is the latest in a series of pieces by the graffiti artist criticising Europe’s handling of the ongoing refugee crisis. It is a direct comment on the recent attempts by French authorities to bulldoze part of the camp in Calais – which has now been deemed unsafe.

Despite French police denying the use of CS gas the video QR code link shows otherwise.