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iPain – The Latest In iPad injuries


Could you be picking up an ‘ipad injury’ at work

The DSE ( Display Screen Equipment ) regulations came into place more than 20 years ago, following an increase in the amount of complaints of Musculoskeletal disorders ( MSD’s ) which came with the extensive introduction of computers in the workplace, these are there to prevent injury to the employees, eyes, wrists or posture whilst using a computer to work.


The first iPad was released 5 years ago; long after the first DSE regulations still in use today were published. Apple sold 15.43 million iPads in the last quarter of 2014, and they are now being incorporated into workplaces more often.


So what seems to be the problem? A lot of health and safety experts are speculating that DSE regulations should be updated to include the use of tablets in the workplace. As tablets ‘encourages bad posture’ as most people hunch over their tablets when their flat on their desks, a proposed idea is to encourage the use of cases which prop the tablet up, allowing high head and neck flexion postures, as to prevent ipad injuries.


“Holding the tablet with one hand can put strain on the wrist”


Because the iPad is a fairly new tool to be utilized by business’ little research has been done from an ergonomic perspective to assess their appropriateness as an office device. Now moving from Apple to their biggest rivals Microsoft, who have partially funded a study into the injuries that can occur from improper tablet use, this study concluded that DSE injuries can be prevented with the introduction of cases that allow for optimal viewing angles.


Do you think DSE regulations need to be updated to include tablets? And do you as an employer know how to protect your employees from DSE iPad injuries or other tablets.